Known as the ‘Vampire Facial’, platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy stimulates new collagen, elastin, and blood supply growth to accelerate tissue regeneration.

As a result, plasma is natural and powerful, and it will help regenerate, strengthen, and nourish cells for a healthy, radiant, and glowing complexion. Using the SkinBooster II device, the unique multi-needle system maximises the efficiency of active plasma delivery in the treatment area for highly efficient results.

A treatment plan will be customised following your complimentary consultation, however we can perform spot treatments or treat full-face, neck, décolletage, hands and receding hairline and hair thinning (and a combination of areas!) Price is dependent on your treatment plan but the number of vials of PRP used in your treatment reflects the price.

1 vial PRP SkinBooster Treatment (full face) $500 inc GST

2 vials PRP SkinBooster Treatment (full face, neck / décolletage) $750 inc GST

A skin analysis is included in the price so we can review before and after images. Purchasing a package of 3 at once will result in a 10% discount off the total price.